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Esercito is the new commercial brand of the Esercito, produced and distributed by Officina Italia s.r.l.
The brand consists of the 5-pointed star which symbolically represents the values that characterize the Esercito such as leadership, courage, spirit of sacrifice and unconditional service for the national community and the inscription "Esercito 1659" which takes you back to the most ancient origins of the armed force, representing, in fact, a link between tradition and innovation.

The Officina Italia company in Carvico (BG) is the official licensee of the "Esercito 1659" brand.
The Officina Italia company is engaged in important initiatives to strengthen the value of the collections for the customer, most notably the collaboration with the designer Alon Siman -Tov, contact person for the European Institute of Design in Milan (IED). It is an international excellence of a completely Italian origin founded in 1966 which operates in the field of training and research, in the disciplines of Design, Fashion, Visual Arts and communication and stylistics to promote the "Esercito Sportswear" brand. The new institutional logo of the Forza Armata, stylistically coherent, simple and impactful, the five-pointed star brings to values recognized as predominantly positive.
The "stars" were introduced in 1871 first for infantry officers then in the same year extended to other specializations and in December to every soldier without distinction of ranks. The star contains in itself the meanings of light (light as a light, a sign of cultural and social elevation, of a mind endowed with sublime intellect), guide (as a sign of the ability to lead a group of soldiers in an enterprise, and choice) and distinction (of the single element that emerges from the shapeless darkness as a sign of individual capacities higher than the average).
The Esercito logotype identifies the institution in a decisive and unequivocal way. It does not include the adjective "Italian" as a superfluous specification (given the high degree of association and recognition of the brand) and for stylistic and graphic needs.